lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

Organizing a festival is a lot of work , from organizing with traveling artists coming in to paint and paste, previewing entry submissions, & arranging with the city for approved venue space, etc. short, there are many artists (including ourselves) who need an extension of time in order to show their work and we're behind schedule on a few other things as well, so, slowly, its become more obvious that we're all going to need a little more time to make this festival the best itcan we're extending the deadline for art entry submissions until AUG. 21st. Things are moving along and we have a lot of visiting artists who are flying in for the event & even the occasional unplanned musical talent joining in the efforts as well, so we'll see how things go! ...taking one step at a time...its always wise to keep a pace - that way your inertia carries through smoothly to a more beautiful experience for everyone. As always, you can see the INSPIRATION ART FESTIVAL 2010 website for more updates as they happen:

Those of you still wanting to participate should visit the festival website for more detail and then get your works of inspiration together and mail as soon as possible to us @ the address below:

PO BOX 4917
Tel Aviv, Israel 61049

This info can also be found on the INSPIRE Collective blog:


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